During the current COVID-19 crisis, many families are seeing their normal routines up-ended. This can cause stress and anxiety for all family members – especially children. Keeping a sense of calm can help kids manage their anxiety while also teaching them some important lessons about resilience. Lessons they can use long after the current pandemic has passed.

Parenting in a Pandemic: Tips to Keep the Calm at Home

Keeping kids healthy

Fear, uncertainty and being holed up at home make for tough times for families. To make children feel safe, it is important to keep healthy routines and manage their behavior.

Supporting Kids During the Coronavirus Crisis


As the coronavirus crisis continues, parents everywhere are struggling to keep children occupied. If you are anxious about protecting and nurturing your kids through this, you’re in good (virtual) company.

How to Keep Kids Positive Through the Pandemic


Helping your kids stay positive can help them deal with the COVID-19 crisis, it also can help them become better learners!

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at premieracademyinc.com.