Grateful children are more optimistic children. Ask any child development expert and they will tell you that grateful and optimistic children are happier for the rest of their lives.

An article on, How to Fit Your Child for Their Own Pair of Rose-Colored Glasses, explains why this is true. According to Dr. Deepika Chopra – who is quoted in the article – “Optimism is much more about resiliency, overcoming struggles, and being able to hold a feeling of frustration, anger, disappointment or sadness.”

These are qualities that are especially important right now as children and families struggle with the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.

“At the very same time, it (optimism) means holding space for hope that something better will come, which is so important especially now,” Chopra goes on to say.

While it’s OK (and very natural) for children to feel a wide range of emotions, it’s important for them to make optimism a priority. As the parent, you can help your child adopt a more positive outlook on life. A bonus is that you will start to feel more optimistic, as well.

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at