Research shows that the interaction between a teacher and a child significantly impacts that child’s social and emotional development. So it comes as no surprise that when a teacher shows a child warmth and respect, that child will be much more likely to develop positive relationships with teachers and peers going forward.
In early childhood settings, when teachers and children interact with one another, children are learning how to model positive relationships. The best teachers will use a variety of strategies to foster positive relationships with the children in their care. What follows are some of the most important of these strategies:
Get to know each child as an individual. Taking the time to talk to a child and learn about their likes and dislikes makes that child feel that they are valued. Does the child have a pet? Do they have brothers or sisters?
Let children know that they are safe with you. When children feel that you understand how they are feeling, it helps to build trust. It also makes them feel safe. If a child is upset, get down on their level and make eye contact. Let them know that you understand what they are saying and redirect the child’s attention toward more positive things. For example, ask them what they would like to do that day or tell them about activities that you have planned.
Be positive. A positive attitude is contagious. When teachers are calm, caring and supportive, that rubs off on the children in their care.
Set expectations. When children know what to expect they are able to perform and behave better. Set high standards and communicate those standards in a way that children can understand. Most importantly, when a child meets expectations, make sure to acknowledge it and let them know how proud you are of them.
Play with them! Joining in when children are playing is a great way to foster the teacher-child relationship. Let a child tell you what they are building and ask them lots of questions.
Every interaction a teacher has with child affects how that child will feel about themselves and will have a significant impact on how they learn and grow. Some interactions are more important than others, as well. Positive, intentional and reciprocal interactions contribute to the best outcomes. Research shows that children are happier, more confident and more excited to learn when the adults in their lives engage in nurturing interactions.
When it comes right down to it, a successful teacher-child relationship involves meeting every children where they are, understanding them and developing connections with them. Such a relationship benefits both the child and the teacher. Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-08-09 10:31:172025-03-17 13:04:50How Strong Teacher-Child Relationships Set Students Up for Success
Most parents would agree that it is a good idea that children eat a healthy breakfast before they leave for school in the morning. That doesn’t mean that it is easy, however.
Consumer Reports’ article, What Makes a Healthy Breakfast for Kids, tackles the issue of feeding your kids a nutritious breakfast – without ruining everyone’s day!
Here are some suggestions from the article to do just that:
Make Extra: Consider cooking and freezing breakfast foods over the weekend so that you can pull them out and microwave them all week.
Prep the Night Before: Set the table, premeasure ingredients and have everything ready to go the night before to make the morning less stressful.
Mix Up the Menu: Not all kids like breakfast food. A grilled cheese on wheat bread or hummus and veggies might not sound good to you but are healthy options that kids may prefer.
Studies continue to reinforce the benefits of a healthy breakfast for kids. When kids eat a nutritious breakfast they are more likely to exhibit behaviors such as improved performance on tests and staying alert in class. So, as difficult as it may seem to get kids to eat breakfast, it is important. Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-04-29 11:37:492021-03-25 12:51:58Why Kids Need a Healthy Breakfast (and How to Make Sure They Get One)
We here at Premier Academy Omaha know how hard it can be to get your little ones to eat their breakfast. We, like you, also know studies show that children who eat a healthy breakfast do better in school and tend to be healthier than children who don’t. The problem is, getting your child to eat a healthy breakfast can seem like an impossible task. If you feel as if breakfast has become a losing battle, you are not alone. Studies show that about 20 percent of all children regularly go without eating anything before school.
What happens when kids don’t eat breakfast? We all know that eating breakfast helps kids have more energy and do better in school. But what exactly are the repercussions of skipping breakfast?
List of Ways to Promote a Kid to Eat Breakfast
While making sure your child eats a nutritious breakfast is important, it helps to take a light-hearted approach. After all, stressing about the situation usually just makes things worse.
60 Easy Kid-Friendly Breakfast Recipes Many parents are under the mistaken impression that a healthy breakfast has to be a lot of work. The fact is, some of the most nutritious breakfasts also are the easiest.
We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We here at Premier Academy agree. This is especially true when it comes to children.
Studies show that children who eat a healthy breakfast do better in school and are more likely to take part in physical activities. They also tend to be healthier overall than children who leave for school on an empty stomach. In fact, children who skip breakfast are less able to retain information during class and are more likely to be overweight.
While most parents wouldn’t argue these facts, it still can be difficult to get their child to eat breakfast. If they are running late or their child is a picky eater, it can be especially challenging. If you are struggling with breakfast issues, you are not alone. In a study of 10,000 children, approximately 20 percent of those children regularly left the house without eating anything.
The same study cited poor time management and lack of appetite as the main reasons that kids skip this important meal. It also found an element of parental influence. Specifically, whether or not their parent eats breakfast will directly impact how likely a child is to eat breakfast.
So how can you get your child to not just eat – but look forward – to breakfast?
If possible, get your child to bed a bit earlier so that they will be rested and more likely to get up on time in the morning. Sitting down as a whole family is ideal and illustrates to children that breakfast is a priority. Further, families that eat together usually eat healthier options because parents can model the importance of eating a nutritious breakfast.
Of course, this can be difficult. Especially when schedules conflict. The next best thing to a sit-down meal are simple options that can be eaten quickly or in the car, if necessary. Fresh or dried fruit, granola bars and yogurt are all good options. While experts encourage something from all the food groups, if this is not possible it is important to make sure that what your child does eat is nutritious and contains healthy carbohydrates for energy.
Finally, if you have the time, it is always worth it (especially for younger kids) to try to entice them to eat breakfast by serving some fun and cute options. These options don’t have to take a lot of time but will be a big hit with little ones.
Here are some things you might try:
Smoothies in a fun glass or with a crazy straw
Fruit kebabs
Bagels with colored cream cheese (a little food coloring goes a long way) or with fruit on top for bagel pizzas
Breakfast pizza
Yogurt popsicles
French toast sausage roll-ups (think pigs in a blanket)
Pancakes, toast or waffles in unique shapes or with faces made out of fruit
Bacon, egg and cheese quesadillas
Sometimes we put so much pressure on our kids to eat breakfast we take the fun out of it. Sit down breakfasts where we talk about our upcoming day or silly foods may be just what is needed to give kids (and parents) a reason to look forward to the most important meal of the day! Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-04-17 10:09:172021-03-25 12:51:59How to Get Your Child to Eat the Most Important Meal of the Day
For the last few years, I’ve been immersed in the world of play at Omaha Children’s Museum. I’ve learned that play is the best way for young children learn. Daycare centers like Premier Academy Child Enrichment Center have the same philosophy in teaching children.
“Play is the child’s work.”
I chatted with Jewel McKercher, a director at Premier Academy Child Enrichment Center in Omaha and Elkhorn, to get a better understanding at what sets the center apart from others.
While it’s a fact that Premier incorporates Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines into the curriculum, the center also believes that play is the child’s work, she said.
“Teacher need to encourage the child’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn,” said McKercher. “The Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines does a fantastic job of training teachers to allow for exploration and discovery.”
According to McKercher, there are different techniques to building happy and strong foundation in early childhood education. She said this can be done by “balancing active time with quiet time, teacher directed activities with child selected ones, and structured learning with fun-time.”
This is where it’s pretty interesting to me, as this is how I see my co-workers at Omaha Children’s Museum trying to strike a similar balance when planning programming. It’s why the museum encourages open play in each exhibit, but also has daily programs offered for a guided learning and play experience. Both forms of play are important.
In an early childcare classroom like at Premier Academy, the teachers understand this too. They embrace that play is the child’s work, but they also incorporate facets of early childhood learning.
In the preschool classrooms, for instance, there are different centers that incorporate play-based learning into play. The centers include the Dramatic Play Center, Blocks Center, Large Motor Center and the Creative Arts Center. As kids play, they’re learning important social and emotional skills.
All the children at Premier also get to spend time outdoors, weather permitting. Both the West Omaha daycare and Elkhorn daycare have a 5,000 square foot outdoor playground!
I learned a lot just interviewing McKercher from Premier Academy in Omaha. If you thought she was helpful, too, and you happen to be in the market for childcare, I encourage you to check out her employer and see if Premier is the right fit for you! Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-04-15 15:05:362021-03-25 12:51:59How Kids Learn Through Play At Premier Academy
The days of searching for daycare in Omaha are fresh in my mind. Walking in wide-eyed to each place, not knowing what things I should be looking for, what signs to note for a “good center” and a “bad center.” I asked for recommendations, but ultimately, I just went with my gut. And how a center makes you feel is important, but there are some universal things you should consider beyond the happy vibe a place gives off. I talked with Jewel McKercher, a director at Premier Academy Child Enrichment Center in Omaha and Elkhorn, to help me fine-tune this list.
Before you start looking for childcare
Congrats! You’re having a baby! Or you’ve had your baby. Either way, I bet you’re exhausted and, maybe, overwhelmed. Well, hopefully I can help with this task you have in front of you: Finding the right childcare center.
Step 1 – Start early.
I was barely showing when we started touring different centers in downtown and Midtown Omaha. For my search, I asked friends and co-workers and family and anyone who looked pretty trustworthy. I didn’t realize there were more resources like local experts you can talk to, as well. McKercher suggested you contact Child Care Resource and Referral Agency to get started. They’ll give you facts and a list of childcare options that may meet your needs.
Step 2 – What are your needs?
Ah, see in Step 1, I said you’d contact the referral agency to get started, but you’ll have to have an idea of what your needs are. For me, location was important, as well as flexibility with cloth diapers, for instance. What are your needs?
Step 3 – Make calls.
Once you have a list of places that may fit your needs, it’s time to lineup a tour. Call each place to schedule an appointment.
Things to look for in an Omaha childcare center
The center as a whole
Check if the center is licensed or regulated. “Licensure ensures that the center is registered and has met or exceeded the state’s local requirements,” said McKercher. She also said it’s advisable to contact the state to see if the center has any complaints filed against it.
The employees
You want to know who works there, because these are the people who will spend the most time with your child. McKercher said the State of Nebraska requires the following background checks, at minimum: Department of Health and Human Services Central Registry Check; Nebraska State Sex Offender Registry; and Nebraska State Patrol Criminal History.
Also ask about any special training employees are required to have. “It is important for providers to have the following training: Pediatric CPR, Pediatric First Aid, Child Abuse prevention; Safe With You training, which is required by the State of Nebraska; and Continuing Education in the field of Early Childhood Education,” said McKercher.
Also ask about any special training employees are required to have. “It is important for providers to have the following training: Pediatric CPR, Pediatric First Aid, Child Abuse prevention; Safe With You training, which is required by the State of Nebraska; and Continuing Education in the field of Early Childhood Education,” said McKercher.
Also be aware of the employee turnover rate. “Consistency is extremely important to children and the environment in which they learn best,” said McKercher. “Getting used to new teachers takes time and energy that could be spent learning.”
I can’t tell you how delighted I was to get updates at the end of the day from my kids’ teachers. Back in my day (not too long ago), it was all paper and an occasional emailed picture. At places like Premier Academy, teachers have tablets that make it easy to send updates to parents, like photos or a video of a fun activity.
So, check how the center’s teachers communicate with parents. McKercher said parents should get a daily report of their child’s day. It should highlight what they ate and drank, lessons or curriculum, and if the child is younger, how many diaper changes.
How’s the classroom?
Most parents eyeball the teacher to student ratio in things like swim lessons, but it’s also a very important thing to keep low in childcare, too.
When you’re touring a childcare center, look into what the teacher to child ratio. “The fewer children the better for your child,” said McKercher. “You want your child to get plenty of attention and care.” McKercher said babies need a teacher to child ratio of 1:4, while 4-year-olds can do well with a ratio of 1:12.
Drawing with sidewalk chalk outside at Premier Academy in Omaha. Photo courtesy Premier Academy
The curriculum
And while you’re in the classroom, ask about the curriculum. Yeah, we’re talking about toddlers, but there are sound practices on how youngsters learn best and develop essential skills. McKercher suggested you ask if the center incorporates the Nebraska Early Learning Guidelines into the curriculum.
On top of that, ask what the Kindergarten Readiness rate is, and how prepared or advanced the students are when beginning Kindergarten. I’ll be honest, I didn’t even think to ask that when I was looking!
Meals at the daycare
Find out how the food is prepared and how healthy it is. McKercher said you can ask for the menu. Also ask if kids are encouraged to try different fruits and vegetables.
One of my kids had trouble with dairy early on, so when I was looking for a center, I wanted to be sure I could bring non-dairy drinks for him (most should be fine with this).
The outdoor space
When you look at that outdoor space, note if it’s fenced-in and if the equipment looks safe. McKercher suggested asking if the caregivers can see the entire playground and all the children playing. You should also ask how often they go outside.
My final thoughts on what to look for
I hope this list gives you plenty of ideas for things to look for and questions to ask when you’re looking at a daycare center. It’s an important decision that may be easy to make or may take some time researching. Good luck! Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-04-15 14:40:392021-03-25 12:51:597 Things to Look For – Childcare in Omaha – Oh My Omaha
If you are returning to work after maternity leave, chances are you have done your research on what to expect. The fact is, however, no matter how well prepared a mother is to return to the office, she is likely in for some unexpected surprises.
The fact is, until you experience for yourself what going back to work following maternity leave is like, you can never be 100 percent prepared. So whether you think it is going to be extremely stressful or no big deal, you are likely to have a few surprises in store!
Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-03-29 09:37:382021-03-25 12:51:59Returning to Work After Maternity Leave Holds Some Unexpected Moments
Returning to work after maternity leave is never easy. The prospect of being away from your new baby, the pressure of performing at work and lack of sleep are just a few of the obstacles you will face. However, there are ways to make the transition easier on you and your baby and it won’t be long until your entire family adjusts to its new normal.
One of the toughest aspects of returning from maternity leave is easing back into the workplace culture. Thankfully, there are ways to make the transition back to the office easier.
Whether you are returning to work after your first child or third, it always takes some getting used to. And there are certain stages newbie and veteran moms alike go through when it’s time to head to the office again. Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-03-27 13:36:342021-03-25 12:51:59What to Expect When Your Return to Work Following Maternity Leave
We here at Premier Academy know that returning to work after maternity leave can be a difficult transition for mothers. The prospect of being away from your new baby coupled with the pressure of performing at work can lead to a great deal of stress. Throw sleep deprivation into the mix and it is easy to understand why this can be such a trying time for many women.
Going back to work following your maternity leave will mean a new schedule for you and your baby. While this can be difficult, it is important to remain as calm as possible during the transition. Babies are very in tune with their mother’s emotions so if you are extremely stressed out chances are that your infant will be, as well. Of course, this is easier said than done.
While bumps in the road are inevitable, there are ways to make sure that things go as smoothly as possible when returning to work.
Get organized. Juggling your job along with your new title as “mom” calls for a high level of organization. Make a schedule of dinners and chores such as laundry ahead of time. It also is important to try to get your baby in a routine (easier said than done, we know!). A regular schedule of naps, meals and baths will help your baby learn what comes next.
Do some dry runs. A week or so before you return to work, try a few dry runs where you get up and get yourself and your baby ready to head out the door on time. This is the time to figure out if you need to make adjustments.
Find the best child care. Knowing your baby is happy and well cared for is the best way to ease your transition back to work. Make sure you find a child care center that meets all of your need and comes highly recommended.
Don’t waste time at the office. Try to tune out as many distractions as possible while at work so you can get out on time. Long chats with co-workers about what was on television the night before or long lunches need to be kept to a minimum so you can leave the office knowing you put in a full day.
Take care of yourself. When getting everything organized and ready for the work week there is one person that often gets neglected – you! Sleep and self-care are important considerations. After all, if you are stressed-out, tired and overwhelmed all of the time, you aren’t doing anyone any good. While it may seem impossible to get more sleep, going to bed as early as possible will help. Also, try to schedule in a few relaxing activities on the weekends such as a long walk, exercise class or quick manicure.
Finally, no matter how well you have planned, no matter how outstanding your child care, you are likely to become emotion when dropping your baby off for the first few days or weeks. Thankfully, a quality child care program will welcome your calls, texts or need for a picture of your sweet baby to get you through the workday! While most mothers will tell you that going back to work after maternity leave can be challenging, they also will tell you that it won’t be long until you and your baby adjust to your new normal. Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-03-14 15:02:562021-03-25 12:51:59Tips for a Smooth Transition Back to Work Following Maternity Leave
The Tadpoles app is just one of the many ways we at Premier Academy open our doors wide to parents. Through the Tadpoles app, parents always feel connected with their child because we use it to send reports, photos, videos, notes and reminders to them throughout the day.
How many times have you been at the office or sitting in a meeting wondering what your child was up to? At Premier, we can help you stop wondering! How? Through the use of the Tadpoles app (get more information at! This app allows you to:
Receive photos, videos and notes by email
Download and share photos and videos of your children
Receive emergency alerts by text message
View your child’s portfolio using our mobile application
Mark your child out sick or on vacation through our mobile application
The benefits of the Tadpoles app are numerous and online reviews confirm this. As one parent wrote, “Getting notifications throughout the day, seeing pictures, makes me feel like I’m still with them.”
Premier Academy offers the highest quality health care in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more about all we have to offer children and families Flaxbeard Flaxbeard2019-03-01 15:40:562021-03-25 12:51:59Tadpoles App-Latest Technology Connects Child Care Programs and the Families They Serve