As the weather grows colder, heading out the door in the morning will involve more than just throwing on a t-shirt and pair of shorts. Jackets, long pants and long-sleeve shirts will soon be followed by winter coats, hats and scarves.

While some toddlers and young children want to do everything themselves, others will show little interest in dressing themselves. While it is tempting – in the interest of time and frustration – to dress your child every morning, it is important that children learn to master this achievement. Doing so will allow them to be more independent and builds their self-confidence.

The skills that children develop when they dress themselves are significant and include fine motor, gross motor and cognitive skills. Manipulating small buttons and zippers helps strengthen fine motor skills. Gross motor skills improve when a child is able to stand on one leg when pulling on a pair of pants and understanding that a shirt goes on before a sweater and socks before shoes helps to build cognitive skills.

When you are in the thick of teaching your child how to dress themselves, it may feel as if they will never be able to do it on their own. However, what follows are some tips that will help you both remain patient as your child reaches this important milestone.

  1. Consider teaching them how to put their pajamas on first. Pajamas are usually easier for children to manipulate because they don’t have a large number of buttons or zippers. Further, parents usually have more patience when they aren’t worried about getting to work or day care on time.
  2. Pass on complicated articles of clothing until a child is older. Clothing with too many zippers or small buttons will only serve to frustrate a child when they are still learning. The same goes for shoes. Start with slip on shoes or Velcro straps until the child is used to getting their shoes on and off. Once they have mastered that that they can move on to learning to tie their shoes.
  3. Get creative when helping your child get dressed. Purchase clothes with characters or fun designs so they know which side goes in front. Tear a sticker in half and put one on each shoe. When their shoes are on correctly, the two halves will make a whole picture.
  4. Let your child practice dressing their stuffed animals or buttoning a shirt they aren’t wearing. Fine motor skills take time to perfect. Putting on clothes, buttoning and zipping all in one sitting is often too much when your child is just learning. Let them master one skill before moving on to the next.

Teaching a child to dress themselves is not easy and takes a tremendous amount of patience on everyone’s part. The more fun you make it, however, the smoother it will go. Be sure to cheer your child on when they master a task. While it may seem like a slow process, one day you will wake up and your child will be dressed and ready to go before you!

If you are looking for affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area, visit us at to learn how to get your child enrolled. 

Of all the sources of emotional support Americans have relied on during the current pandemic, one of the most popular has been their pets. Psychologists note that the emotional bond between people and their pets is a particularly therapeutic one.

An article in Psychology Today, Is Your Pet a Pandemic Stress Buster, states that pets are a wonderful source of support for a variety of reasons. One of the most significant is the fact that they don’t judge. 

“Your pet won’t judge you for wearing sweatpants 24/7, being grumpy, or having that extra glass of wine.” 

Some other reasons, according to the article, is that the provide a sense of routine and that spending time with them has a calming effect. Companion animals also can reduce loneliness (feelings of social disconnection) and compensate for reduced human social connection.

If you don’t have a family pet but are considering one, you are not alone. A recent survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 33% of Americans have considered fostering or adopting a new pet amid COVID-19. If you have the time and means to take care of a new furry family member, now may be the perfect time to do so. For your own sake, and the sake of your children.

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

If you are looking for affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area, visit us at to learn how to get your child enrolled. 

kid playing

Children learn a lot when they attend childcare. How to make friends and interact with their peers are two of the most important. While some children have a harder time doing these things than others, every child needs to be given the tools to make sure that they feel comfortable with other children and understand how to be a friend.


The Importance of Childhood Friendships, and How to Nurture Them

There is no one-size-fits all formula for friendship. There are, however, ways to help children develop relationship skills that will cultivate deep, meaningful connections with others. 


The Importance of Friendship in Preschool

Preschool is the age when children start to make friends and build relationships with their peers. By sharing experiences, feelings, and interacting with one another, children learn how to meet the social needs of others and of their own.


The Ups and Downs of Toddler Relationships

Toddlers don’t express friendship in the same way an older child or an adult would, but they are still forging a bond. 

If you are looking for affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area, visit us at to learn how to get your child enrolled. 

kid and puppy

Welcoming a new pet into your home is a big decision – but a popular one. The number of individuals and families choosing to acquire a pet during the current pandemic is skyrocketing. While a pet is a wonderful addition to any home, it is important that you think long and hard before making such an important decision.

Dog Adoptions and Sales Soar During the Pandemic

Shelters, rescues and breeders report increased demand as American try to fill voids with canine companion.

So You’re Getting a Pandemic Puppy. Here’s What it Will Cost.

The pandemic puppy is in many cases an impulse decision that can quickly add up in cost – now and down the line.

Worth of a Pet? Priceless. Cost of a Pet? Get Your Calculator.

Pet owners can’t put a price on their companions, but surveys shed some light on the financial impact of pet ownership.

If you are looking for affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area, visit us at to learn how to get your child enrolled. 


Everything is easier with a friend by your side. This is particularly true for kids attending childcare. It is the first place they may learn to make friends.

Children learn so much at childcare but perhaps the most important thing that they learn is how to make friends and interact with other children. When kids have friends waiting for them every day when they arrive at childcare, they look forward to going and it can make drop off easier.

Unfortunately, some children have a harder time making friends than others. With a little help, however, they can learn this valuable skill. So how can you help your child in this regard? Read on for some tips from Premier Academy.

    1. Establish relationships with other parents. Get to know parents of some of the other children at the childcare center and consider play dates outside of school hours to allow for some one-on-one bonding. Making new friends yourself is icing on the cake!
    2. Talk to your child about what it means to be a friend. Knowing how to be a good friend is a skill that takes years to develop. As a parent, it is your job to help your child navigate the sometimes tricky terrain of relationships. Talking to your child about why it is important to share, for example, is a great way to help them understand how to play as part of a group. It also is important to encourage your child to consider the feelings of others.
  • Provide coping strategies. If your child comes home upset about something that happened with a friend, listen and give them ideas for handling themselves when emotions run high. For example, if they are feeling left out, suggest things they can do to feel better such as asking a child who they don’t know very well to play with them instead.
  • Don’t push them. Many introverted children prefer to play by themselves. If your child is happy with more solitary activities, don’t force things. Chances are they will make friends on their own time and when they feel ready.

Finally, keep the lines of communication open between you and your childcare center’s staff. These are the people who witness the day-to-day interactions between children so they will be able to give you the best advice and guidance on your child’s social interactions. If they tell you your child is doing well and is happy, believe them! And if there is something your child needs to work on, you can be sure they will tell you this, as well!

If you are looking for affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area, visit us at to learn how to get your child enrolled. 

The current situation has caused many American families to consider bringing home a pandemic pet. A recent survey from TD Ameritrade finds that 33% of Americans have considered fostering or adopting a new pet amid COVID-19.

Welcoming a new pet into your home is a big decision. Even if you understand all the benefits of owning a pet – and there are several – it is important that you do not forget about the responsibilities that come with it. Here are some things to consider:

  • Pets require a great deal of time and energy. If you are feeling stretched or always short on time, it probably is not the right time to add a pet to the mix. While pets can provide stress relief, they can add to your stress if you are not ready for it.
  • Pets are not one-size-fits-all. Before you commit to a new pet, you must be sure it is a good fit. For example, if you live in a small house with no fence, a big dog probably does not make sense.
  • Pets are not cheap. Even pets such as fish can cost more than you might think. Consider all the expenses you are likely to incur.

If you feel that you have the time, energy and money to add an animal to your family, then pet ownership can be a wonderful experience. This is especially true today, when social distancing has many people feeling isolated and alone. Further, having a pet gives kids (and parents) a chance to focus on something positive.

Below are just a few of the unique and priceless benefits families can derive from pet ownership:

  1. Improved Mental and Emotional Health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that owning a pet can reduce blood pressure, lower stress and more. Pets love to shower affection on their owners, something we all need!
  2. Companionship. Lockdowns have been hard. Having an animal to focus on and take care of can help children and adults improve their mood by taking their minds off their problems.
  3. Responsibility. When children are expected to help take care of a family pet, they learn accountability. It also can improve their self-esteem because they understand that they are needed.
  4. Better Physical Health. Taking your pet for a walk or even just playing with them encourages an active lifestyle and gets people moving.

Finally, if you are considering a pet, consider adopting instead of shopping. The Nebraska Humane Society in Omaha has several animals ready for a forever home. There also are a tremendous number of pet rescue organizations in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children aged 2 and older wear face masks when they are unable to remain six feet away from others. Except for children who are unable to remove a mask from themselves, this means kids heading back to school or daycare will be wearing masks.

Unfortunately, there are still many myths regarding children and face masks. The most pervasive of these myths are outlined in a recent article posted on, Mask Mythbusters: 5 Common Misconceptions about Kids & Cloth Face Coverings.

The article also provides guidance on how to make masks as effective as possible. Here are some ways to ensure that a child’s mask is doing its job:

  1. It covers the nose and mouth
  2. It fits snugly but comfortably against the sides of the face
  3. It is secure
  4. It has multiple layers of fabric
  5. It allows for unrestricted breathing

Parents need not worry that their children are being harmed when wearing masks. However, parents who have concerns should reach out to their doctor or other health care provider. 

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

kid face mask

Face masks are no longer an option for most kids. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children aged 2 and older wear face coverings when they are unable to remain six feet away from others. If your child is struggling to adapt to face coverings – or you are worried about the impact these masks may have on them – you are not alone.

How Will Mask-Wearing Affect My Toddler’s Development? I Asked Two Child Psychologists

If you are worried that your child’s emotional intelligence will suffer as a result of masks, you are not alone. 


From Toddlers to Teens: How to Talk to Kids About Wearing Masks

Getting children to comprehend the importance of wearing masks can come with its own set of unique challenges depending on a child’s age.


12 Fun Kids’ Face Masks for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Some kids will adjust better than others to wearing face masks. Providing fun options for toddlers, children and teens can help with the transition.

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

Many children have a tough time adjusting to wearing a face mask. Unfortunately, this is becoming more of an issue as kids are heading back to school, day care and other activities. 

Ask most parents of young children and they will likely tell you how exhausting it is trying to get children to put face masks on, let alone keep them on for any length of time. It is something that must be done, however. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children aged 2 and older wear face masks when they are unable to remain six feet away from others. The exception to this recommendation would be children who are unable to remove a mask from themselves. This includes those with developmental delays or neurologic issues.

To prepare your child for wearing a mask for long periods of time, start them off slowly and gradually increase the amount of time they wear their mask. Each time they put it on try to extend the period of time they wear it by a few minutes until they get used to it.

It is important that your child’s face mask is the right size for their face. A mask designed for an adult is going to be uncomfortable on a child and won’t do its job either. Pleated masks often fit kids the best and ear loops work better than ear ties at this age. Masks should cover the nose and mouth and remain secure under the chin.

If your child seems apprehensive about wearing a mask, there are things you can do to make them feel more at ease. This includes putting masks on their toys or allowing them to personalize their mask.

Here are some other tips when it comes to masks and children:

  1. Teach children how to take off their mask by pulling on the ear loops not on the front of the mask.
  2. Make sure children wash their hands before handling their masks.
  3. Have children take off their masks when they are eating, drinking or napping.
  4. Always have extra masks available for children in case the one they are wearing gets dirty or wet.
  5. Tell your children that sharing masks is not something they should do. Clearly label masks with your child’s name to prevent mix-ups.
  6. Disposable masks should be thrown away after use. Reusable or cloth mask should be washed with soap and water at the end of each day.
  7. Don’t require your child to wear a mask when they are only around their immediate family. This includes in the car or at home.

Finally, as is the case with most things in life, children will take their cue from their parents. In other words, the more comfortable you act when wearing a mask, the more comfortable your child is likely to feel. 

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at

Tips for Helping Your Child Adjust to Back-to-School and Daycare Transitions

If you are like most families, the past few months have been spent together. From early in the morning until bedtime, most children have become accustomed to being with their parents all day, every day. Whether those parents were working from home, helping siblings with homework or doing the laundry, they were hardly ever more than down the hall or up the stairs from their children.

Now that many parents are going back to work, children who have become accustomed to having their parents with them 24/7 now will have to become re-accustomed to going back to school or daycare. For some children, this will be a welcome change and an opportunity to reconnect with playmates. Others may have a more difficult time adjusting.

The adjustment will likely be more challenging for children between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old. This age group is more prone to separation anxiety and may struggle with the idea of leaving their parent’s side.

There are things you can do to make this transition easier on everyone. Child development experts suggest the following tips to reestablish what was once a seamless routine (and will be again):

  1. Be upfront. If your child is old enough to understand that they will be going back to school or daycare, let them know ahead of time. This is not something you want to spring on a child the night before.
  2. Get into a routine. As soon as possible, settle into a consistent bedtime routine, get up at a normal time, get dressed, eat breakfast and so on.
  3. Do some trial runs. If you can get someone to watch your child for an hour or so a few days now, do it. This will help children to remember that just because you are apart for a bit, you always come back together!
  4. Talk things out. Depending on the age of your children, ask them how they feel about going back to school or daycare. Don’t dismiss their worries but rather reassure them that everyone is feeling a bit unsettled but that it will get better.
  5. Expect a period of transition. Everyone (including you!) may be tired and stressed the first few weeks. As much as possible, try to cut everyone some slack as they adjust.
  6. Set apart some special time. Once you are back to work and your children are back in school or daycare, try to make some special one-on-one time with them in the evening or on weekends to let them know that while schedules change, your relationship will always remain strong.

Getting back into a regular routine of work, school, daycare and other activities is something we all will have to deal with at some point. However, it isn’t going to be like turning on a light switch. Be patient with your kids and be sure and cut yourself some slack, as well!

Premier Academy offers affordable childcare in the Omaha/Elkhorn area. To learn more, visit us at