Playing alone is an important step toward independence. However, many children are reluctant to go out on their own, so a little coaxing may be in order.
While traveling with children may seem like a daunting prospect, experts say it has significant benefits. Travel can expand a kid’s world, making them more empathetic toward cultural differences and helping them adapt to changing situations.
Child development experts tell us that thumb-sucking isn’t anything to worry about in children under 5. In fact, it can be an appropriate and useful behavior.
Open-ended and independent play is one of the things that can build all the skills and tools necessary for kids to grow into successful and sufficient adults.
It is important to remember that summer vacations are some of the fondest memories your family will make and are therefore worth the effort!
Children who wet the bed do so because they are not physically capable of staying dry through the night. And unless they have other symptoms, it is almost always completely normal. That doesn’t make it any less frustrating for children and their parents, however.
When a baby finds his or her thumb for the first time, it can be sweet to watch. However, after a few years, this habit can cause angst for parents who wonder if they should step in and help their child break the habit.
A toddler that talks back to you or is defiant can be frustrating. However, it is important to remember that these behaviors are very common (and normal!). What’s more, with a little positive discipline you can stop these unwanted behaviors as you guide your toddler into better behavior.
A toddler that talks back to you or is defiant can be frustrating. However, it is important to remember that these behaviors are very common (and normal!). What’s more, with a little positive discipline you can stop these unwanted behaviors as you guide your toddler into better behavior.
Once children reach about 18 months of age, they begin to realize that they have some control over the world around them. While this is a positive development in terms of building self-confidence, it can also lead to some defiant behavior, including the frequent use of the word “No!”
Many parents wonder how they can help their child continue on the path toward independence without allowing back talk. Thankfully, there are several ways to accomplish this:
Operating Hours
Omaha: 6:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Elkhorn: 6:30 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.
Premier Academy Elkhorn
20111 Roberts St.
Elkhorn, NE 68022
Phone (402) 289-2239
Enrollment Specialist:
Premier Academy Omaha
3525 N. 147th St.
Omaha, NE 68116
(SW Corner of 144th & West Maple rd.)
Phone: (402) 493-8812
Enrollment Specialist: