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Popularity of “Pandemic Pets” is on the Rise

Welcoming a new pet into your home is a big decision – but a popular one. The number of individuals and families choosing to acquire a pet during the current pandemic is skyrocketing. While a pet is a wonderful addition to any home, it is important that you think long and hard before making such an important decision.


Easing the Transition Back to School, Daycare and Work

If you are like most families, the past few months have been spent together. From early in the morning until bedtime, most children have become accustomed to being with their parents all day, every day. Whether those parents were working from home, helping siblings with homework or doing the laundry, they were hardly ever more than down the hall or up the stairs from their children.


Parents Need to be Proactive with Severe Weather Anxiety in Children

If your child gets anxious when severe weather threatens, being proactive is essential to calm their fears. The more children (and adults) know about unpredictable events such as thunderstorms and tornadoes, the more secure they will feel when they occur. Therefore, take the time to explain to your child what happens during thunderstorms and tornadoes on a level they can understand.